Here is my piece "Shady":

It's been a while since I have painted a tree and I've never painted a rabbit before, so I really enjoyed painting this one up. Got some clouds back on the canvas as well. I will be attending the show tomorrow night, and I hear many of the artists involved will be too. Come out an make it if you can! Check out this crazy good list:
Aaron Jasinski, Adam Hathorn, Alex Garcia, Alex Pardee, Amanda Louise Spayd, Amy Sol, Angry Woebots, Annie Owens, Anthony Ausgang, Anthony Filo, Attaboy, Audrey Kawasaki, Augor, Axis, Beast Brothers, Bob Dob, Brandi Milne, Brian Colin, Brian Despain, Buff Monster, Camilla d'Ericco, Carrie Ann Baade, Charles Wish, Chase Tafoya, Chet Zar, Chris "Devious" Gliebe, Chris Ryniak, Christian Rex van Minnen, Colin Christian, D. Ross Scribe, Dabs & Myla, Dan May, Dan Quintana, Daniel Danger, Dave Correia, Dave Flores ATC, Dave Pressler, David Choong Lee, Deph, Dytch 66, Eric Merrill, Eric White, Fred Harper, George Thompson, Graham Curran, Greg "Craola" Simkins, Gris Grimly, Gunnar, Haste, Jason Daquino, Jason Limon, Jason Maloney, JAW Cooper, Jean Labourdette (Turf One), Jeff McMillan, Jeff Soto, Jeffery Page, Jen Lobo, Jenny Mollen-Biggs, Jeral Tidwell, Jeremy Fish, Jeremy Sutton, Jersey Joe Rime, Jesse Smith, Joe Capobianco, Joe Hahn, Joe Ledbetter, Joe Vaux, Johnny KMNDZ Rodriguez, Johnny Vampotna, Jon Beinart, Jordan Buckley, Josh Keyes, Joshua Clay, Kevin Knight, Kevin Dickinson, Kevin Peterson, Kris Lewis, Logan Hicks, Luke Chueh, Lyte, Man One, Mark Bodnar, Martin Whitfooth, Matthew Bone, Maxx 242, McEvoy & Rodriguez, Meggs, Mia Araujo, Michael Page, Michel Gagne´, Mike Mitchell, Mike Stilkey, Misha, Miss Mindy, Molly Crabapple, Naoto Hattori, Nate Van Dyke, Nathan Pearce, Natoe, Neko, Nicholas Charles, Nicnak, Nome Edonna, Peekaboo Monster, Persue'/BunnyKitty, Peter Gronquist, Poor Al, Rabodiga, Rask Opticon, Retna, Revok, Robert Bowen, Roland Tamayo, Ron English, Rory Keating, Sam Flores, Sas Christian, Scott Belcastro, Sergio Hernandez, Shaun Kasl Singer, Shawn Barber, Skinner, Skot Olsen, Sram, Steven Daily, Tara McPherson, Thomas Lynch III, Tim Hendricks, Tomi Monstre, Tony Curanaj, Travie McCoy, Travis Louie, Tyke Witnes, Vic Back, Werk, Yosuke Ueno, Zoso
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