So, I've been messing around with some white backgrounds on my pieces, which is new for me. Nothing overly deep behind it. I've always liked the aesthetic, there is purity about it, and I feel it could sort of represent a rebirth for me and my art. I hope to take it to new heights if I am so lucky to have more opportunities. I enjoy how it allows the subject to stand more on it's own, and I really enjoy painting clouds, and the white lets them have some more attention within the confines of the canvas. The white really allows me to play with negative shapes of the subject and clouds. Here are a couple of peaks of what I have coming for the show:

Very nice!
Can you please teach me how to paint?
Thanks everyone! And Wes, I'm pretty sure I don't need to teach you how to paint. Shoot a basketball, yes. But paint? No.
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