So for me, it's sort of an anniversary of my gallery relationship with them as well. Thinking back fondly to that time, I've created a similar piece called "Another Battle For My Affection" for this show:

So, my relationship with Katie and Jensen began as a patron, after purchasing a beautiful Kawasaki piece from them in 2005. The following year, there was an art contest where the winner would be included in the I AM 8BIT exhibition at Gallery1988. Dreaming of showing my art in their gallery, I put together "Battle For My Affection" and won, much to my surprise! So at drop off, I remember Katie saying something like, "Hey, I know you!". What an honor it was for me as well to find out that Katie later bought my piece! They then took a chance on me in group shows to see how I'd do. After a handful of shows, they asked if I'd like to be represented in Los Angeles and San Francisco through the gallery, and of course, I said yes!
Because of their friendship and support, I have been able to meet so many wonderful people, have been inspired by the art that they surround their galleries with, and have grown as an artist. It's been so much fun to be part of their gallery family, and for that I am truly grateful. I wish them continued success, health, and happiness.